Envisioning Utopia

Envisioning Utopia: British Art and Socialist Politics, 1870-1900
A Walter Crane Study Day at the Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester

Friday, 5 December, 17:30 keynote address followed by reception.
Saturday, 6 December, registration begins at 11:00; programme begins 11:30.

Ottoman Labor History

There is a new website devoted to labor history during the late Ottoman and modern Middle East era. It contains originals and translations of books, articles and contemporary original documents. These materials connect to many issues regarding social and economic and gender studies. The materials may be used at will. The site managers -John Chalcraft of the LSE and Don Quataert, SUNY Binghamton- ask only that you formally acknowledge such use. Moreover, we welcome additions of any materials you may have. Contact either of us at the addresses noted on the site.

Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme

English, see below.

Chers amis, Chers camarades,

La campagne de recherche de fonds lancée début 2007 s'est achevée en octobre dernier sur un succès. Grâce à la générosité d'ami-es, de militant-es, de groupes et d'organisations qui ont donné de l'argent et du temps, la somme nécessaire au maintien du CIRA à son emplacement actuel a pu être réunie.

Un grand merci à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui ont donné, relayé la campagne, organisé un événement, etc.


La Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo
del Movimento Operaio e Democratico

rassegna di cinema documentario

dal 14 maggio, ogni mercoledì ore 20,30

Sala Zavattini
Fondazione Archivio Audiovisivo
Del Movimento Operaio e Democratico
Via Ostiense, 106

consulta il programma

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli - Newsletter n. 7 - 7 maggio 2008
Le novità della Fondazione e del sito

Cinque per mille: una opportunità per sostenere le attività della Fondazione Giangiacomo FeltrinelliLa Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli codice fiscale 80041090152 è iscritta al registro degli enti che possono accedere alla quota del 5 per mille dell'imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche (Irpef)

Labor's Canvas

Laura Hapke, American Working-Class History and the WPA Art of the 1930s (Cambridge Scholars Press, U.K.,2008). The book scrutinizes intersections between the burgeoning and tumultous unionism of the Great Depression and its representation (or omission) in New Deal art.

Discussions of forty illustrations from a labor historical perspective by artists such as Raphae Soyer, Dox Thrash, Isabel Bishop, and Hugo Gellert illuminate both relationships and tensions between WPA artists and the labor subjects they were hired to depict.