History of Working Lives

The Working Class Movement Library is delighted to announce that its application for a Heritage Lottery Fund grant has been successful. The Fund has awarded £313,000 to the Library over the next three years for its project 'The Past Meets the Present: a History of Working Lives'.

Black Jacobins

From: David Renton, [mailto]david.renton@sunderland.ac.uk[/mailto]

Apologies for the mass emailing, but I wanted to pass on the details of an event which will take place this February: a conference to mark 70 years since the publication of CLR James' book The Black Jacobins. Keynote speakers will include Darcus Howe, Selma James, Weyman Bennett, Bill Schwarz and Marika Sherwood.

Trotskyism Archive

FES Library publishes inventory on Trotskyism archive (Hermann Weber collection)

Bärhausen, Anne
Das Trotzkismus-Archiv (Sammlung Hermann Weber) in der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung : ein Bestandsverzeichnis / bearb. von Anne Bärhausen und Gabriele Rose. - Bonn, 2007. - 228 S. : Ill.. - (Veröffentlichungen der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; 19) ISBN 978-3-89892-779-6

Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest

Call for Essay Contributions -- The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500-Present

This eight-volume, 5,000-page, peer-reviewed work, to be published by Blackwell next year is intended to become “the definitive reference work on the role of popular agency in transforming the world in which we live.”

We are in the process of dramatically expanding the Encyclopedia’s coverage of anarchism. To that end, we are soliciting essay contributions on the topics listed below.