Woman, Work and Society in Spain

La Fundación BBVA y la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero se complacen en invitarle a la presentación del libro Mujer, trabajo y sociedad (1839-1983) de Luis Alberto Cabrera Pérez

que tendrá lugar en la sede de la Fundación BBVA, Palacio del Marqués de Salamanca, Paseo de Recoletos, 10, Madrid, el próximo día 15 de diciembre de 2005, a las 19.30 horas

S.R.C. 91 374 54 00



Entrada libre, Aforo limitado

Worker Resistance under Stalin

Jeffrey Rossman, Worker Resistance under Stalin: Class and Revolution on the Shop Floor, Harvard University Press.

Challenging the claim that workers supported Stalin's revolution "from above" as well as the assumption that working-class opposition to a workers' state was impossible, the book shows how a crucial segment of the Soviet population opposed the authorities during the critical industrializing period of the First Five-Year Plan.

Labour History Number 89

Labour History
A Journal of Labour and Social History
Number 89 * November 2005


Writing About the Extreme Right in Australia
Andrew Moore

The Australian Right, the American Right and the Threat of the Left, 1917-35
Nick Fischer

Arthur Nelson Field: Kiwi Theoretician of the Australian Radical Right?
Marinus La Rooij

The New Guard and the Labour Movement, 1931-35
Andrew Moore

Labor History Dissertation Prize

To encourage the study of labor, Labor History is pleased to announce an annual Dissertation Prize for labor studies, broadly defined. In keeping with the journal's dedication to a multi-disciplined approach to the field, and its commitment to chronological and geographical breadth, the prize will be awarded to the best Ph.D. dissertation on a labor topic, historical or contemporary, in the US or worldwide, regardless of discipline.

Winners will receive an award of £750 / $1500, and publicity in both the journal and the Labor History website.

Agence de Presse Libération-Belgique

Amsab-Institut d’Histoire Sociale vous invite à un débat sur l'Agence de Presse Libération-Belgique (APL-B) le 9 décembre 2005 à 19 heures au Pianofabriek, rue du Fort 35 à Saint-Gilles.

L'Agence de Presse Libération-Belgique a diffusé un bulletind'information sur les luttes sociales et politiques entre 1972 et 1991.Ce n'était ni une organisation politique, ni un groupe lié à un parti,mais un collectif autogéré qui voulait offrir la possibilité auxlecteurs de faire circuler des idées, expériences ou critiques favorisant un changement de société.