Italians in the Gulag

The Fondazione Feltrinelli (Milan) and the Memorial association (Moscow) created a website on the Italian victims of the Soviet camp system. It consists of three parts. The first presents information (maps, chronology, history) on the Gulag in general. The second is dedicated to its Italian victims, with a database containing 1026 biographical notes. Moreover, there is a full bibliography on the Gulag, compiled by Hélène Kaplan.

The address is

1956 Hungarian Revolution

Csaba Bekes, Malcolm Byrne, and Janos Rainer, eds. The 1956 Hungarian Revolution: A History in Documents. National Security Archive Cold War Readers. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2002. L + 598 pp. Bibliographical references and illustrations. $67.95 (cloth), ISBN 963-9241-48-2; $29.95 (paper), ISBN 963-9241-66-0.

Globalizations and the African World

Throughout time, humans have crisscrossed regions of the world and the entire globe to share, trade, and conquer. Despite this constant in human history many see our present time as the "age of globalization." Especially during the last decade, demonstrations, meetings, books and documentaries have focused on this phenomenon, but not sufficiently on people of the African Diaspora. The Central Pennsylvania Consortium addresses this through the 2004 African American Studies Conference, "Globalizations and the African World" on February 27-28 at Gettysburg College.

Fondazione Amadeo Bordiga

The Amadeo Bordiga Foundation gives notice that an election will be held to two Research Scholarships in the topics:

  • Amadeo Bordiga and the 'Communist Left' in the context of the international socialist and communist movement
  • The Relevance today of Amadeo Bordiga's theoretic-political thought

Each Scholarship value amounts to € 1,500.00 (one thousand five hundred only), less applicable tax.


Victor Serge Library

The Victor Serge Library, Moscow's library of alternative and radical literature, has now reopened in new premises. Its organisers are making plans to expand further in the coming period. Please take a few minutes to look at a new web site, established by the Friends of the Victor Serge Library to provide information about the library in English, at


Call for Manuscripts

Berg Publishers are pleased to announce a new journal:

Textile: The Journal of Cloth & Culture
Eds. Pennina Barnett and Janis Jefferies, both of Goldsmiths College, University of London, and Doran Ross, UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History

History of Labour Mobility

The Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH) is hosting the IVth Intenational Conference on Indian Labour History at New Delhi on March 18-20, 2004. The theme of this conference is "Labour Movement: The History of Labour Mobility". Papers on a wide range of issues of labour mobility, migration and movement will be presented. The deadline for abstract submission is November 15, 2003, and for full papers February 2004.

Visit the website at


L'adresse du site internet du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Mouvements trotskystes et révolutionnaires internationales (CERMTRI) est ou Notre mail:

Nous organisons, le 15 novembre 2003 à 14h30, en nos locaux (28, rue des Petites Ecuries - 75010 PARIS - France) une conférence sur la résistance en Albanie et dans les Balkans pendant la seconde guerre mondiale.