Workers Unity

Workers Unity in a World Economy
Asylum, Migrants and Refugees

A one day conference organised by the London Socialist Historians Group
Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet St, London WC1
Saturday May 12th 2001, 9:30am-4pm

Plenary sessions:

  • Panikos Panayi on "Migration in Post-War Europe"
  • Steve Silver (Editor of Searchlight) on "Perspectives"

Workshop sessions:

Wisconsin Labor History Society

This is to announce that the Wisconsin Labor History Society now has a website at URL Links to the site are welcomed, of course.

Bibliography Also Available

Of special interest at our site is the first version (with about 200 items) of the "Wisconsin Labor History Bibliography"; three ways are provided for viewing the bibliography: by author, by the geographic place discussed, and by the topic discussed.

French Socialism

All or part of this seminar on France may be of interest to you, to students, colleagues or trade unionists.

Wednesday May 2
University of North London
Holloway Rd
Henry Thomas Room
Technology Tower (opposite Holloway Road tube station)

Ignatius Donnelly

In the April 2001 issue of the National Library of Australia News Dr Stephen Holt describes how the works and beliefs of the American Populist Ignatius Donnelly influenced pre-Federation Australia and the early Australian Labor Party, and are still echoed in the beliefs of the anti-globalisation movement today. The article was written to mark the centenary of Donnelly's death.

For more information on Ignatius Donnelly centenary activities in Australia please contact

Posted: 6 April 2001