1998 - 153 (March)
Articles in this issue
China's Militarized Interstate Dispute Behaviour 1949-1992: A First Cut at the Data
Criminal Defence in China: The Possible Impact of the 1996 Criminal Procedural Law Reform
The Literary Association (Wenxue yanjiu hui, 1920-1947) and the Literary Field of Early Republican China
Research Notes
Cultural Revolution Conflict in the Villages
Ethnic Representation in the Current Chinese Leadership
The Sino-Vatican Negotiations: Old Problems in a New Context
Current Issues
The Fifteenth National Party Congres: Jiang Takes Command?
Keith McPherson Buchanan
Book review, by Merle Goldman
Deng's Revolution: Young Intellectuals in 1980s China
Book review, by Elizabeth Perry
Marxist Intellectuals and the Chinese Labor Movement: A Study of Deng Zhongxia
Book review, by Jürgen Domes
Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur: Studien zu den deutsch-chinesischen
Book review, by Kjel Erik Brødsgaard
Vikings and Mandarins: Sino-Scandinavian Business Co-operation in Cross-Cultural Settings
Book review, by Davin Shambaugh
Useful Adversaries: Grand Stategy, Domestic Mobilization and Sino-American Conflict, 1947-1958
Book review, by Chien-min Chao
Liangan guanxi de maodun yu chulu
Book review, by Michael Leifer
The Spratly Islands Dispute: Who's On First?
Book review, by Michael Leifer
A Geographical Description of the Spratly Islands and an Account of Hydrocraphic Surveys Amongst Those Islands
Book review, by Meg Maggio
Hong Kong Basic Law: Blueprint for "Stability and Prosperity" under Chinese Sovereignty?
Book review, by Hugh D.R. Baker
Hong Kong's Traditions, 1842-1997
Book review, by Clare Hollingworth
Hong Kong Journalists in Transition
Book review, by Laurence J.C. Ma
Zhongguo shehui fazhan - Xianggang xuezhe de fenxi
Book review, by John Frankenstein
Management Decision-Making in Chinese Enterprises
Book review, by Pak K. Lee
PCR Tomorrow: Development under the Ninth Five-Year Plan
Book review, by Tom Grunfeld
The Snow Lion and The Dragon: China, Tibet and the Dalai Lama
Book review, by Tom Grunfeld
Tears of the Lotus: Accounts of Tibetan Resistance to the Chinese Invasion
Book review, by Norton Ginsburg
OSS in China: Prelude to Cold War
Book review, by Edwin Moïse
China: A Macro History - Turn of the Century Edition
Book review, by Martin Kern
Chinesisches Selbstverständnis und kulturelle Identitä: Wenhua Zhongguo
Book review, by Martin Kern
Chinas erste Poetik: Das Shipin (Kriterion Poietikon) des Zhong Hong (467?-518)
Book review, by Lars Peter Laaman
"Fallbeispiel" China: Ökumenische Beiträ zu Religion, Theologie und Kirche in chinesischen Kontext
Book review, by Christian Henriot
Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth Century Shanghai
Book review, by Christian Henriot
Shanghai's Journey to Prosperity
Book review, by Christian Henriot
Zhuiyi-Jindai Shanghai tushi
Book review, by Sheldon H. Lu
Contradictions: Artistic Life, the Socialist State and the Chinese Painter Li Huasheng