Social and Labour History News

Announcement, ITH, Austria (in English and German)
Call for papers, deadline 1 September 2014 (in Italian)
Call for papers, deadline 1 August, 2014
Book presentation, 16 June 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina (in Spanish)
Announcement, IISH, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Table of contents, N. 36, June 2014 (in French)
Table of contents, n. 111-112 (in French)
Table of contents, May 2014
Colloquium, 3-5 July 2014, Paris, France (in French)
Table of Contents, Nº23, May 2014 (in Spanish)
Book presentation and debate, 4 June 2014, Paris, France (in French)
Lectures/events, Torino, Italy (in Italian)
Summer school, 7-9 July 2014, Alcalá, Spain (in Spanish)
Announcement, Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, Zürich, Switzerland (in German)