Social and Labour History News

CFP: a symposium in Sydney, September 2009
Newsletter 2008:18 (Italian text)
Book ann: Ressouvenances
Ann: a conference in Reggio Emilia, 11-13 December
Five book reviews (in German and English)
Four book reviews (in German and English)
New items on the IISH website in November 2008
Review: Galanova on Lewis (German text)
Review: Leese on Wagner (German text)
Review: Tosstorff on Broué (German text)
Review: Rupprecht on Service (German text)
Call for applications 2008-9
TOC: Number 95 (2008)
CFP: a conference in Princeton, May 2009
Ann: a workshop in Brussels, 5 December 2008
CFP: panels at the WCSA conference in Pittsburgh, June 2009
Book ann: Harper Perennial
Ann: New Collection Available
CFP: a conference in Hull, September 2009