Political History Network Symposium

University of Reading, 9 March 2011

The Political History Network is a new seminar group organised by postgraduate students at the University of Reading with the broad aim of providing opportunities for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers working in modern political history to provide a forum to present papers, share ideas and network.

This symposium will be our first event, and will be an informal opportunity to meet postgraduates working in all fields of political history, not just those topics covered by those presenting. All welcome, including MA, PhD, post-doc students, academics and anyone else who is interested.


'Labour local authorities versus the Heath and Thatcher governments over council house sales and mandatory rent increases’
Michael Passmore, King’s College London

'"A Crusade To Enfranchise The Many‛: Thatcherism and the Property-Owning Democracy’
Matthew Francis, University of Nottingham

'The Stiff Conservative? George V and his Labour ministers, 1924-1931'
David Singeisen, University of Exeter

Please send Jason Parry an email if you would like attend the symposium on 9 March on j.parry [at] reading.ac.uk

Website: www.politicalhistorynetwork.co.uk >>