Labour History and Its People

Conference, Australian National University ,15-17 September 2011

Labour History and Its People
Conference, Manning Clark Centre, Australian National University ,15-17 September 2011

Join the National Centre of Biography and the Canberra Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History at its conference on labour history and its people.
2011 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History in 1961 at the ANU. Papers will consider the sources, interpretation and study of labour history, and the collection and conservation of material culture relating to the working people in Australia.
Speakers include:
History Professors Stuart Macintyre and Patricia Grimshaw (Melbourne);
Kim Sattler, UnionsACT secretary and Chair of Board, National Museum of Labour;
archivists Sigrid McCausland and Maggie Shapley;
activist Jack Mundy;
overseas guests Professors Don MacRaild and Neville Kirk.
There will also be a presentation on the National Museum of Labour, Canberra, and a tour of the Noel Butlin Archives, ANU.
The full conference program will be available in July.
Date: 15-17 September 2011
Venue: Manning Clark Centre, Australian National University
Cost:* $300 full, $200 students and concession (day rate - $100)
* includes lunch, and morning and afternoon teas
early bird rates (before 1 July): $250 full, $150 students concession