Centenary seminar - 1912 goldminers' strike, Waihi, NZ - 9-11 November 2012

Call for Papers, deadline 31 March

Call for Papers: Centenary seminar - 1912 goldminers' strike, Waihi, NZ - 9-11 November 2012 - Waihi Friendship Hall, School Lane, Waihi, Aotearoa/NZ

Abstract deadline 31 March 2012

Call for Papers

The Labour History Project (Inc.) will hold a seminar at Waihi on the weekend of 9-11 November 2012 to mark the centenary of the 1912 Waihi strike. This strike, involving almost all the 1500 workers at the mine, was a pivotal event in New Zealand’s political history. It coincided with the rise to power of Massey's Reform government, which marked the end of a long era of Liberal politics. It resulted in the death of striker Fred Evans, still perhaps the greatest martyr of the New Zealand labour movement. Strike leaders Bob Semple, Peter Fraser, Bill Parry and Tim Armstrong went on to form the NZ Labour Party to advance workers’ interests in Parliament.

The seminar might address such issues as:

the influence on the strike of churches, and the media

the roles of key participants such as the IWW, the Federation of Labour, the women of Waihi, and the police

the response of the mine owners

the impact on race relations

representations of the strike in literature and other cultural forms

its significance for present-day Waihi and the country

the role of international capital in the NZ mining industry

the role of arbitration unions and strikebreakers in industrial action

reclaiming history – educational perspectives.

The Labour History Project will explore the possibility of later publishing the seminar papers either in book form or electronically.

This seminar is being organised with the support of the Auckland Labour History Project and in conjunction with the Australian Mining History Association - www.mininghistory.asn.au - which will hold its annual conference at Waihi immediately beforehand. Papers of mutual interest will be scheduled for the period when the two events overlap.

A range of related cultural activities is being planned as part of the strike centenary commemoration.

Deadline for abstracts (max. 200 words) – 31 March 2012. Please indicate requirements for information technology.

Email abstracts and papers to - chair [at] lhp.org.nz

Waihi 1912 seminar planning committee – Karl Andersen, Hazel Armstrong, Peter Clayworth, Mark Derby, Joce Jesson, Dean Parker, Collette Spalding, Maryan Street.


Waihi strike centenary seminar
Labour History Project
PO Box 27-425 Wellington, NZ
Email chair [at] lhp.org.nz