Globalization and Social Justice: a Century of ILO Action, 1919-2019

Symposium, 26-28 June 2019, Paris, France

“Globalization and Social Justice: a Century of ILO Action, 1919-2019” International Scientific and Pluridisciplinary Symposium
Paris, 26-27-28 June 2019

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary. For historians, sociologists, political scientists, lawyers, economists, and anthropologists working on the ILO, this is a unique occasion to re-examine its origins, assess its experience over the century, and reflect upon its future and its (challenged) influence today. This symposium aims to assess the academic knowledge currently available on the ILO. It will also include testimonies from different actors involved in the work of the ILO (directly or indirectly), in order to debate on the future of the organization. The symposium covers the period from 1919 to the present with four areas of research: Labor and social justice, Universalism and globalization, Representation and social dialogue, Norms and regulation
