The Transnational History of French Industrialisation before 1914

Conference, 6-8 November 2019, Paris, France

The aim of this conference will be to analyse the characteristics of 19th-century French industrialisation and to understand how these distinguish France from other countries that went through the same process in the same era. Instead of using the English case as the only reference (as is customary), particular attention will be paid to a comparison between France and other continental European countries, especially Germany. One important dimension is the place of national industrialisation trajectories in an international and transnational context; in the case of France, colonial empire played an undeniable role.

The conference revolves around four thematic areas: the division of labour in Europe; European and transnational cooperation; financing industrialisation, and the impact of the knowledge-based economy.


Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris Institut historique allemand, 8 rue du Parc-Royal, 75003 Paris




Wednesday, 6 November 2019

14:00 Arrival

14:30 Mots de bienvenue

Introduction by Yaman KOULI (Heinrich-Heine-Universität)

15:00 Panel I. Entreprises françaises et marchés extérieurs / French Enterprises and Foreign Markets
Présidence / Chair: Léonard LABORIE (CNRS, UMR Sirice)

Vlodymyr KULIKOV (Central European University in Budapest)
French Enterprises in the Russian Empire: Big Business in a Transnational Perspective

Rafael CASTRO (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Technological Transfers and French Multinationals in Peripheral Markets: Derosne & Cail in the 19th Century

Olga MELNICHENKO (Sorbonne Université, National Research Center St. Petersburg)
L’histoire transnationale de l’industrialisation française. Le cas de la Société Anonyme de Filature de Schappe à Lyon (1885–1914)

17:00 Panel II. Y-avait-il un contrecoup de mondialisation? / Was There a Globalisation Backlash?
Présidence / Chair: Jean-Pierre WILLIOT (Sorbonne Université, UMR Sirice)

Markus LAMPE (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
Antonio TENA-JUNGUITO (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Globalization Backlash? A Re-Assessment Based on Disaggregated Tariff Data for 40 Countries from 1846 to 1910

Rita ALDENHOFF-HÜBINGER (Europa-Universität Frankfurt Oder)
Le protectionnisme dans l’industrie agricole en France et en Allemagne

Bertrand BLANCHETON (université de Bordeaux)
Stéphane BECUSE (université de Bordeaux)
Christopher M. MEISSNER (University of California, Davis & NBER)
Approaching Quality in International Trade History. The Case of France in the Mid of the Nineteenth Century

Comment on panels I & II:
Patrice BAUBEAU (université Paris-Nanterre)

Thursday, 7 November 2019

9:00 Panel III. Le défi concurrentiel allemand / The German Competitive Challenge
Présidence / Chair: Éric MONNET (Paris School of Economics, Banque de France)

Eglantine CUSSAC (University of Edinburgh)
Articulations des savoirs et construction du marché de colorants allemands en France

Ludovic LALOUX (université polytechnique Hauts-de-France)
L’industrie française du sucre de betterave dépassée par la filière sucrière germanique

11:00 Panel IV. Défis de la mondialisation et coopération européenne / The Challenge of Globalisation and European Cooperation
Présidence / Chair: Jérôme BOURDIEU (Paris School of Economics)

Pierre MOUNIER-KUHN (CNRS, Sorbonne Université)
L’industrie des calculatrices: un leadership français suivi d’une domination germanique et américaine

Yaman KOULI (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
Jörg KÖNIG (Market Economy Foundation Berlin)
The European Foundations of French Industry before 1914

Comment on panels III & IV: Marcel BOLDORF (université de Lyon)

13:30 Panel V. Aux sources d’une industrialisation différenciée / On the Origins of Differentiated Industrialisation
Présidence / Chair: Yaman KOULI (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)

Auriane TERKI-MIGNOT (University of Cambridge)
Women’s Work and the Debate on the »French Path« to Industrialisation

Nicolas DELALANDE (Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po)
Coopération des syndicats européens: un acteur influent?

Comment on panels V & VI:
Guido THIEMEYER (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)

18:00 Keynote as part of the lecture series »Les jeudis de l’IHA«:
Labor and French Industrialisation in Global Perspective
Commentaire: Hervé JOLY (ENS Lyon)

Friday, 8 November 2019

9:00 Panel VII. Capital humain: approches économétriques / Human Capital: Econometric Approaches
Présidence / Chair: Nicolas DELALANDE (Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po)

Audrey MENARD (université de Nantes)
Charlotte LE CHAPELAIN (université Lyon 3)
Claude DIEBOLT (université de Strasbourg)
Neither the Elite, nor the Mass. The Rise of Intermediate Human Capital During the French Industrialization Process

Jacob WEISDORF (University of Southern Denmark)
Alexandra DE PLEIJT (Utrecht University)
Leonardo RIDOLFI (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Was the First Industrial Revolution Labour-Cheapening? Evidence from 19th-Century France

Lukas ROSENBERGER (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Uwe SUNDE (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Scientific Education and Enlightenment in France. A Prerequisite for French Industrialisation?

11:00 Panel VIII. Économie du savoir / Knowledge Economy
Présidence / Chair: Jürgen FINGER (Institut historique allemand )

Gabriel GALVEZ-BEHAR (université de Lille)
Les origines transnationales de l’industrie chimique française au XIXe siècle

Yves BOUVIER (Sorbonne Université, UMR Sirice)
Une entreprise transnationale du caoutchouc? Hutchinson en France avant la Première Guerre mondiale

Commentaire des panels VII & VIII: Nicolas MARTY (université de Perpignan)

12:30 Conclusion
