Fossil Fascism

Book presentation and debate, 9 November 2020, Paris, France
We have the pleasure of welcoming three members of the Zetkin Collective (Bernadette Barth, Lise Benoist and Andreas Malm) to discuss their recently published book Fascisme fossile (La Fabrique). The book draws on the first systematic analysis of the political ecology of the European far-right. It outlines and breaks down right-wing incursions into the climate and energy debate: how have nationalist and xenophobic forces dealt with global warming? What trends might intensify in the coming years? Having retraced the evolution of a range of concepts and ideas relating to the climate and the nation, energy and race, the book then focuses on the dangers of a world that is both warmer and more right-wing.
Maura Benegiamo (post-doc University of Trieste) and Ugo Palheta (MCF University of Lille) will discuss with the Zetkin Collective and introduce the debate.
The discussion will take place on Monday 9 November 2020, 16:30PM at the University of London Institute in Paris
9-11 rue de Constantine, 75007, Paris