Gabriela Scodeller (CONICET, INCIHUSA-CCT Mendoza)
Lucas Poy (CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires):
Larissa Correa (PUC-Río, Brasil):
Sergio Serulnikov. Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires.
Carlos Illades. Universidad Autónoma de Cuajimalpa, México.
General Coordination:
Rossana Barragán R. (IISG-Amsterdam):
Amaru Villanueva R. (CIS-Vice Presidencia):
This session will address the different forms of struggle developed by workers since the colonial period to the present day; the links between those workers and their organizations, parties, and the State; the similarities and differences between class-based movements and those organizations that were structured around other lines. We expect to trace a global view of Latin America as a whole, assessing the common trends as well as the specificities. Therefore, we encourage the submission of papers that allow diachronic and trans-local comparisons around topics and issues shared in the region. We will give preference to contributions that put together a rich state-of-the-art and develop new research agendas, taking into account problems of sources, scales, perspectives, and theoretical discussions.
We suggest that the papers deal with the following themes.
Centuries 16th, 17th, 18th
- Slave rebellions in the Atlantic coast.
- Conflicts, consensus, and indigenous resistances in Nueva España.
- Daily dissents and indigenous resistances in the Andean colonial world.
- Black and indigenous rebellions in the context of the independences.
19th century:
- Proletarianization and forms of resistance: individual and collective; urban and rural.
- Workers and politics during the consolidation of the national states.
20th century:
- Labor movement, the left, and populism in the first half of the century.
- Public protest, popular movements and labor movements throughout the century.
- Conflict and militant experiences in the workplace in the second half of the century.
21st century
- Latin American tradeunionism: crisis, revitalization and current challenges
Ten papers will be chosen, taking into account the representation of different countries. The contributions should be submitted by email to the organizers of the session and to the general coordination.
Abstracts: October 30, 2016
Max. 600 words
Papers: March 1, 2017.