CfP: The Downfall of Communism in East-Central and Southern Europe: An Attempt of Comparative Perspective

In 1989, 30 years had passed since the fall of communism – a system installed in Central and Southern Europe following World War II. The changes which took place in 1989–1991 were the beginning of a political transformation in the states of Central and Southern Europe as well as in the Soviet Union. The triple transformation encompassed the reconstruction of free market economy, parliamentary democracy, and – in the case of the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, or Czechoslovakia – state building.

CfP: Sixth European Congress on World and Global History: Minorities, Cultures of Integration, and Patterns of Exclusion

Following the successful and rewarding meetings of the European Congresses on World and Global History held in Leipzig, Dresden, London, Paris, and Budapest the next ENIUGH Congress will take place in Turku, hosted by the Global History Laboratory at Åbo Akademi.

CfP: 39th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History: Circulations from Local to Global

Mobility is a key problem in Economic and Social History. Regardless of the period under analysis, people circulate, carrying with them commodities, capital, ideas, languages, traditions. They circulate to survive, to trade, to explore, to conquer, to migrate, and also for leisure. These constant circulations are at the origin of many interactions, impacts, conflicts, changes and resistances, as well as many social, economic, institutional and cultural transformations.

Militantisme et militant.e.s en Flandre et à Bruxelles : une histoire à (re)découvrir

Militantisme et militant.e.s en Flandre et à Bruxelles : une histoire à (re)découvrir

Journée d’étude du groupe de contact FRS-FNRS
« Sociobiographie des militant.e.s du mouvement ouvrier en Belgique »

Le 2 avril 2019

à l’Amsab-Institut d’histoire sociale Bagattenstraat, n° 174, à Gand.

(See programme in attachment)

CfP: Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements

"Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements" (MTS) is calling for articles!

We are a long-standing, peer-reviewed, internationally circulated journal. 
MTS is published in print (, as well as online (