Concorso per ricordare Giuseppe di Vittorio


In occasione del 60° anniversario della scomparsa del suo primo segretario generale, la CGIL nazionale bandisce un concorso finalizzato al ritrovamento ed all’acquisizione (in originale o in copia digitale) di VIDEO, FOTO, LETTERE o DOCUMENTI a firma Giuseppe Di Vittorio, non conservati nei nostri Archivi.

Le domande di ammissione alla procedura di valutazione dovranno essere redatte in carta semplice, debitamente sottoscritte dai candidati e inviate entro e non oltre le ore 17.00 del 31 maggio 2018.

Archives du militantisme, de Berkeley à Vincennes

Dans le cadre du cycle Discipliner l'archive ? (2017-2018)
Archives du militantisme, de Berkeley à Vincennes

07 Mars 2018
14h30 - Max Weber - Salle de séminaire 2
Université Paris Nanterre

Un terrain entre archives et entretiens : une entrée dans la socio-histoire de l'enseignement supérieur et des disciplines de SHS des années 1960-1970
Christelle Dormoy (Univ. Paris Nanterre/CRESPPA)

ToC: International Review of Social History

International Review of Social History

Volume 62 - Issue 3 - December 2017

Research article

“I Thought of it at Work, in Ostend”: Urban Artisan Labour and Guild Ideology in the Later Medieval Low Countries
Jan Dumolyn

Special Theme

Charismatic Leadership and Networks in Anarchism: The Cases of Pietro Gori and Jean Grave: An Introductory Note
Jan Willem Stutje

Pietro Gori’s Anarchism: Politics and Spectacle (1895–1900)
Emanuela Minuto

ToC: Labour History and the 'Coolie Question'


Edited by Diane Kirkby and Sophie Loy-Wilson

Diane Kirkby and Sophie Loy-Wilson

What Is the “Coolie Question”?
Moon-Ho Jung

Stabilising Violence in Colonial Rule: Settlement and the Indentured Labour Trade in Queensland in the 1870s
Tracey Banivanua Mar

From Slavery to Freedom: Chinese Coolies on the Sugar Plantations of Nineteenth Century Cuba
Evelyn Hu-DeHart

Du 'travail ménager' au 'care'. Histoire et enjeux actuels

Du "travail ménager" au "care"
Histoire et enjeux actuels


Mercredi 24 janvier 2018

Université ouvrière de Genève, 3 place des Grottes

Sous la conduite de Jacqueline Berenstein-Wavre, le Collège du travail s'est engagé dès 1983 pour la reconnaissance de la valeur sociale et économique du travail domestique. A l'occasion de la mise en ligne de l'inventaire de deux fonds d'archives, effectué grâce à l'appui de la Fondation Emilie Gourd, cette rencontre-débat revient sur l'histoire de cette lutte et ses enjeux actuels.

CfP: Global Decolonization Workshop III: The Invention and Reinvention of Decolonization: Rethinking the ‘Waves’ Narrative

Was ‘decolonization’ a European invention designed to ease the ‘White Man’s Burden’ and pave the way for a neo-colonial system of extraction and dependency? Was it a Latin American invention intended to undo ‘the colonial system?’ Or was it an Indian, French Algerian or Caribbean invention? All the above? Is the received ‘wave’ narrative (first, second, third, fourth waves) currently used to tell the global history of decolonization still adequate to the task? Or would notions such as ‘invention’ and ‘reinvention’ be more useful?

We seek papers that address any of the following: