CfP: Voices of the Colonised: Primary Sources of Anticolonialism

Call for contributions to a reader on anticolonialism. The primary texts should preferably come from authors who were themselves confronted with practices of colonisation. In particular, we are looking for accounts by intellectuals, politicians and others that not only document colonial exploitation but also criticise the practices, institutions, and ideas of colonialism. The first of two volumes will focus on texts that were written up to the end of WWI.

CfP: Memories without Borders. Youth Emigration in transition from communism to democracy in Eastern Europe

The life of young people in the communist regimes of Eastern Europe meant a long series of unfortunate events that generated, most of the time, the desire to escape to the free world on the other side of the Iron Curtain. The taste of life in the West, obtained tangentially through various means, such as music or film, to which were added the deprivations and oppression, increased the desire of young people to emigrate to the states where they could benefit from the fruits of freedom. Once there, they entered a world of democracy and freedom, where they could enjoy a number of benefits.

CfP: Decolonising World History: New Voices, New Values, New Methodologies

Colonialism and the impacts of colonisation have long become an object of public debate. A recent example is a controversy raised by Bruce Gilley’s academic article 'The Case for Colonialism' (2017). In the last decade, social historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists have increasingly focused on the 'history from below.' It has brought up new perspectives and expanded the scope of historical research, addressing the ‘silences of the past’, to use Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s words.

Adhérer à l’IRELP en 2023, pourquoi ?


Avec les Journées d’Etudes des 3 et 4 décembre 2022, l’IRELP est entré dans une nouvelle dimension.

Pourquoi et comment ?

Ces Journées ont été préparées de longue main.

Car notre objectif est d’être un interface entre le monde libre-penseur et le monde intellectuel ; avec ces Journées, des intellectuel(le)s de renom, des libre-penseurs, des étudiant(e)s ont pu échanger, élaborer et dialoguer avec le public nombreux, réuni dans des circonstances difficiles.

CfP: Former des archivistes en France aujourd’hui


Journée d’études organisée à l’occasion du 10e anniversaire du master Archives de l’université Paris 8, par le département d’histoire de l’université Paris 8 (Saint-Denis), les Archives nationales et l’association Archiv-8.

Date : mardi 27 juin 2023

Lieu : AN, Auditorium, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine

Comité d’organisation

Marie-Cécile Bouju (Paris 8, IDHE.S.) et Catherine Saliou (Paris 8, ArScAn)

Comité scientifique