IISH Research Fellowships 2012

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is located in Amsterdam. Founded in 1935, it is one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular. IISH holds over 3,000 archival collections, some one million printed volumes and about as many audio-visual items.

Opportunity for PhD funding in anarchist history, politics or theory

Opportunity for PhD funding in anarchist history, politics or theory (second round of applications).

Loughborough University's Department of Politics, History and International Relations (UK) is inviting applications for fully-funded PhD studentships for 3 years (UK or EU fee status). Each studentship is valued at £13,590 plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate, and are available for PhDs commencing in October 2011. The deadline for receipt of full application is Wednesday, 15 June 2011.

IALHI Annual Conference, 7-10 September, 2011, Bonn

The 2011 Annual Conference for members of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) will be held from 7 to 10 September, 2011, in Bonn, Germany.

The conference will be organized by the Archiv und Bibliothek der sozialen Demokratie (AdsD) der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The following information has been published on IALHI's website:


Preliminary Programme

Bringing Migration and History into the Equation: Re-Imagining Nationhood and Belonging

Call for Papers --- Call for Contributions

International Conference on

Bringing Migration and History into the Equation: Re-Imagining Nationhood and Belonging

5-7 October 2011, Jewish Museum Berlin, Germany Organized by: Network Migration in Europe e.V.

in cooperation with

Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul
Jewish Museum Berlin
Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung, Essen

Amsab-ISG Newsletter

6e jaargang, nr. 3, mei 2011

Studiedag Met toeters en bellen

Op 18 juni 2011 vindt in het Provinciehuis in Leuven de studiedag Met toeters en bellen. Populaire muziekcultuur in Vlaams-Brabant plaats. Die kadert in het gelijknamige project waaraan Amsab-collega Robbe Herreman meewerkt.

Archief 11.11.11

Amsab-ISG kreeg het archief van 11.11.11 in bewaring. In totaal gaat het om 52 palletten materiaal (342 lopende meter) uit de periode 1966-2001.

Nieuwe digitale bronnen

Bibliothek schaltet weitere digitalisierte SPD-Zeitungen frei

Nach der Breslauer „Volkswacht für Schlesien“ legt die Bibliothek der FES zwei weitere wichtige sozialdemokratische Tageszeitungen ins Netz. Es handelt sich um den „Lübecker Volksboten“ und die Magdeburger „Volksstimme“, die mit ihren Ausgaben aus dem späten Kaiserreich bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik als „Images“ digitalisiert wurden.