New approaches to the history of popular protest and resistance in Britain and Ireland, 1500-1900


Over the past few years the history of popular protest, collective action and resistance in Britain and Ireland has undergone a renaissance. We now know much more about the Captain Swing riots, enclosure disputes, poor law debates, and a whole other range of protests and tactics used by the aggrieved and the subaltern. There are two distinctive elements of this new research:

Ámbitos no. 60

Boletín Digital de Actividades
número 60 - marzo-abril 2011

Actividades Culturales

Exposición Trabajo y Salud. Desde la protección a la prevención.
Itinerancia en Gijón. Iglesia de La Laboral (Ciudad de la Cultura)

Rencontre autour de l'édition italienne de l'ouvrage de Pierre Naville, La passion de l'avenir

Autour de lʼédition italienne de lʼouvrage de Pierre NAVILLE , LA PASSION DE LʼAVENIR , Dernier Carnet, 1988-1993, éd. Maurice NADEAU, Paris, 2010 :

RICORDI E PENSIERI, LʼULTIMO QUADERNO 1988-1993,Trad. Antonella MARAZZI, Roberto MASSARI ed . 2010

Organisée par Le MUSEE SOCIAL et le CENTRE EDGAR MORIN ( EHESS - CNRS) Mardi 24 MAI , 15H-17H, MUSEE SOCIAL, 5 rue Las Cases Paris, 75007, Salle de réunion, 3° étage

SOCIOLOGIE, SCIENCES ET POLITIQUE . Quel est lʼ héritage du matérialisme scientifique ?

La gestione dei beni culturali in 150 anni di Storia d'Italia

Convegno di Studi
Firenze, Palazzo Vecchio
20 maggio 2011

Ore 9.30

Saluti delle autorità
Presiede ed introduce
Maurizio Degl’Innocenti (Fondazione Turati, Ciscam - Università di Siena)

Angelo Varni (Università di Bologna)
L’organizzazione della tutela: le Sovrintendenze per le Belle Arti

Andrea Ragusa (Università di Siena)
La nazione allo specchio: la gestione dei beni culturali ed am-bientali e le origini dello Stato contemporaneo

Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library

KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 66, April 2011

* Archibald, Malcolm. The Many Lives of Max Chernyak.
* Bookunin, M. The Russian Revolution in Ukraine (March 1917-April 1918) and Under the Blows of the Counter-revolution (April-June 1918) by Nestor Makhno [Review].
* Chernyak, Maxim Matveyevich. A Letter from Max Chernyak.
* Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892 by Nunzio Pernicone [Review].
* Orobón Fernández, Valeriano. A las Barricadas!.