Colloque sur la philosophie de l'anarchie, mai 2011

From: Recherches sur l'anarchisme ([mailto][/mailto])
De Ronald Creagh

Philosophie de l’anarchie
Théories libertaires, pratiques quotidiennes et ontologie

Colloque international organisé les 13, 14 et 15 mai 2011, par, le MODYS (UMR 5264) (Université de Lyon et de Saint-Etienne), le laboratoire TRIANGLE (UMR 5206), (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), et le CEDRATS (Centre de ressources sur les alternatives sociales, Lyon Croix-Rousse).

Ministerio de la Guerra, 1931-1939. Tiempos de Paz, tiempos de guerra

D. Jesús Pérez, Presidente de la Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, inaugura el próximo día 8 de noviembre de 2010 a las 19.00 h. en el Palacio Episcopal de Salamanca (Plaza de Juan XXIII, junto a la Catedral Vieja) la exposición

Ministerio de la Guerra, 1931-1939. Tiempos de Paz, tiempos de guerra.

8 de Noviembre. Salamanca

D. Julián Lanzarote
Alcalde de Salamanca

D. Álvaro Martínez-Novillo
Subdirector General de Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico del Ministerio de Defensa

Soviet Socialism - Kemalism - Italian Fascism: Comparative Approaches

The workshop will look on Soviet socialism, Italian Fascism and Kemalism in Turkey in a comparative way by analysing the historical relationship between them, but not by equating them. At the first glance, the differences regarding traditions, culture, religion, political system as well as the respective economic and social developments are striking.

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies, vol 16 (2011), no 24.

The International Newsletter of Communist Studies, vol 16 (2011), no 24.
Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung
Международный бюллетень исторических исследований коммунизма онлайн
La Newsletter internationale des études sur le communisme
La Newsletter Internacional de Estudios sobre el Comunismo A Newsletter Internacional de Estudos sobre o Comunismo

ISSN Y503-1060 (paper edition) / ISSN 1862-698X (online edition).

Dear friends, colleagues, and contributors,

FOST Workshop, VUB, Brussels, Dec. 2011

The research group FOST (Social and Cultural Food Studies) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel will organise a workshop on

Labour, labour relations and occupational identities in hotels, restaurants and cafes (18th-20th centuries)

When? December 2011, exact date to be determined later on.
Where? Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Brussels, Belgium.

Papers in English or French address one (or a combination) of the following themes: