Archiv für Sozialgeschichte

Neue Rezensionen im Archiv für Sozialgeschichte - Stand: Juni 2010

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Die Rezensionen verstehen sich als Teil des Rezensionsapparats von Band 50 (2010) des ARCHIVS FÜR SOZIALGESCHICHTE und sind im Internet als Volltexte zugänglich.

Memory and Forgetting: Labor History and the Archive

Call for Papers

Southern Labor Studies Conference
Atlanta, Georgia, April 7-10, 2011

Co-Sponsored by the Southern Labor Archives, Georgia State University Library; Southern Labor Studies Association; Labor and Working Class History Association

Memory and Forgetting: Labor History and the Archive

"The struggle against tyranny is the struggle of memory against forgetting"From "The Uprising of '34", courtesy of Milan Kundera

Keynote addresses will be given by Robert Korstad, Duke University and Alessandro Portelli, University of Rome.

Labor in the Information Age

ToC: "Labor in the Information Age," a special issue of Labor History
Labor History, volume 51, issue 1, February 2010

Guest editors: John Hogan, Peter Nolan, and John Trumpbour

Table of Contents
John Trumpbour, "Labor in the Information Age: An Introduction"

Peter Nolan and Gary Slater, "Visions of the Future, the Legacy of the Past:Demystifying the Weightless Economy"

John Hogan, Peter Nolan, and Margaret Grieco, "Unions, technologies of coordination, and the changing contours of globally distributed power"