Noel Butlin Archives

Friends Newsletter No. 24, July 2009

Welcome to the mid year edition of the Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Newsletter. Included is information on theforthcoming 2009 Public Lecture; an article by Dr Sigrid McCausland on Friendly Society records held by the Archives; a report from Maggie Shapley, the University Archivist, on a recent trip to the Modern Records Centre at Warwick University; a list of new accessions by the NBAC and an update on the Friends’ Conservation Fund and the first record to be selected for restoration.

Jenseits der Arbeitsmigration

Jenseits der Arbeitsmigration. Migrationsnetzwerke und die Träume vom sozialen Aufstieg

Hervé Joly, CNRS, LARHRA, université Lumière Lyon 2; Jörg Requate, Universität Bielefeld (mit Unterstütung von Sylvie Schweitzer, LARHRA, université Lyon 2) 27.05.2010-28.05.2010, Frankreich (Paris oder Lyon)
Deadline: 15.09.2009

Chaim Weinberg

The memoirs of Jewish anarchist labor organizer Chaim Weinberg are now available in English. Recorded from oral testimony in 1930 and published in Yiddish in 1952, these are the recollections of an old fighter, spoken from memory. They are folkloric rather than scholarly, humorous, and entirely about common workers' defense of their own humanity. Weinberg was an anarchist-communist who devoted half a century to union movements, the establishment of collective stores and communities, and the fight against organized religion.

Chinese Workers in the First World War

International conference "Chinese Workers in the First World War"

Venue : Boulogne-sur-mer (France) and Ypres (Belgium).

(Presentations and debate will begin in Boulogne-sur-Mer and continue in Ypres. On 30 May there will be a post-conference coach tour of the Chinese cemeteries in Belgium and France).

Date : 26-30 May 2010

Organisation: Universite du Littoral Cote d'Opale, In Flanders Field Museum With the collaboration of KU Leuven, Maison Europeane des SHS Conference language: French, English or Chinese (exceptionally)