Worlds of Labor

Call for articles

Perseu: história, memória e política
Number 4, 2009 (Portuguese)

The Centro Sergio Buarque de Holanda (CSBH) was established by Fundação Perseu Abramo as a centre for Brazilian Worker's Party history and memory. It produces the review Perseu: história, memória e política a history peer-reviewed journal that diffuses researches and reflexions about the left political wing in Brazil and abroad.

Labour as resource

Call for papers

Labour as resource. Individuals, mobility and economic strategies in pre-industrial urban societies

Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CNRS/EHESS/ENS, Paris
February 11-13, 2010

Since 1980s, thanks to studies like Steven Kaplan's and Michael Sonenscher's ones, our comprehension of the pre-industrial work's organization has deeply changed. The role of guilds has been put into perspective, and many different kinds of "others" labours, beyond the guilds, have been detected and depicted.