Turks Abroad

Turks Abroad: The Symposium on Migration and Integration in its 50th Year21-23 May 2009 - Ankara

Turks Abroad: The Symposium on Migration and Integration in its 50th Year will be held in Ankara (Bilkent Hotel & Conference Center) between 21 - 23 May 2009. The symposium will be organized through the cooperation of the Ministry of State of the Republic of Turkey (Prof.Dr. Mustafa Said Yazıcıoğlu) and Hacettepe University Strategical Research Centre (HÜSAM).

An American Dilemma?

An American Dilemma? Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States in the U.S., Europe and the Nordic Countries

NCoE NordWel, Centre for Welfare State Research
01.10.2009-03.10.2009, University of Southern Denmark

NCoE NordWel and Centre for Welfare State Research are happy to invite you to an international conference on the theme Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States.

Race, Class, Gender

Race, Class, Gender as categories of difference and inequality: Which perspectives arise from the concept of 'intersectionality' for human and cultural sciences?

Ciera - Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne, Paris
Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), 54, boulevard Raspail, 75600 Paris
Deadline: 21.05.2009

Conference for Young Academics / CFP Colloque "junior" des Centre interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'Allemagne (Ciera) Paris / Tagung für 'NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen':