Arbeiterbewegung und Sozialgeschichte

Arbeiterbewegung und Sozialgeschichte (2008), 21-22


Peter Kuckuk: Die Bremer Räterepublik in der "Ästhetik des Widerstands" von Peter Weiss

Jörg Wollenberg: Nazi-Jahre 1933-1939. Erinnerungen von Henry Oliver

Wiebke Gautier: Reaktionen auf Displaced Persons in Bremen von 1945-1951

Eugenie W. Gohr: Die ERwerbstätigkeit verheirateter Lehrerinnen in der Weimarer Republik

Sören Dannauer: Der Politiker Hermann Heinrich Meyer - Mehr als ein Reeder


Chile and Sweden

Välkommen till seminariet

"Antipodes - Chile and Sweden during dictatorship and democracy"den 7 maj 2009 på ABF-huset i Stockholm

Antalet platser är begränsade och vi behöver därför din anmälan senast den 22 april. För att anmäla dig mejla till Silke Neunsinger silke.neunsinger(snabel-a) eller ring 08-412 39 27.

Vi bjuder på lunch och fika, meddela gärna om du behöver specialmat och om du tänker delta i mottagningen på kvällen.

Antipodes - Chile and Sweden during dictatorship and democracy

ABC-CLIO, Labor History

Call for Authors: ABC-CLIO, Labor History

ABC-CLIO,the leading publisher of academic reference works, is developing a comprehensive 21-volume Encyclopedia of World History. We are seeking interested scholars to prepare 500-1500 word articles on the impact of economics and trade on world history.

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA)
Invites you to
The 73rd Volunteers for Liberty
Reunion Program and Reception (1936-2009)
Brigadistas and Refugees: Crossing Borders With Capa's Mexican Suitcase
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, 2pm

The Florence Gould Hall at the French Institute Alliance Française
55 East 59th Street (Between Park and Madison Avenues)
New York, N.Y. 10022
Program, Afternoon Tea Reception

More on the ALBA website >>

The Kate Sharpley Library website

The Kate Sharpley Library website - [url][/url] - is now bigger and better. (The Kate Sharpley Library is dedicated to recording and restoring the history of Anarchism.)

The new design means you can now explore the website by author, translator or subject. Subjects include Anarchism, Lives (for biographies, autobiographies and obituaries), Reviews as well as events like the Paris Commune or Spanish Revolution and Ciil War.

Amsab Newsletter

Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis

Nieuws van het Amsab-ISG

Tentoonstelling 'Wij zijn de bouwers van een nieuwe wereld', van 7 maart tot 5 april 2009

Nacht van de Geschiedenis in Amsab-ISG: 'Cinema Vooruit', 24 maart 2009


De mondelinge geschiedenis van de Tweede Feministische Golf op dvd

VGI-Studiemiddag 'De zin en onzin van historische visualisaties'

Regeringen die niet regeren. Het malgoverno van de Belgische politiek.

Themaweekend Exil

Anarchism: PhD Studentships

The Department of Politics, International Relations & European Studies (soon to become the Department of Politics, History & International Relations) has a minimum of two fully-funded postgraduate research studentships available, to begin in October 2009.

The Studentships provide a maintenance award of £13,290 p.a. for three years, and cover fees at the UK/EU level.

The deadline for the receipt of applications is 30 April 2009.