African Economic History

CFP: a workshop in London, 28 April

London School of Economics and Political Science
Department of Economic History
African Economic History Workshop

Call for Papers

Wednesday 28 April 2010
LSE Room H.101 (Connaught House), 2.00-7.00 PM

This is to announce the sixth in our annual series of informal research workshops aimed at the exchange of ideas, and the provision of feedback, on any aspect of the economic history of Sub-Saharan Africa. It will be based on participants committing themselves to read the papers in advance.

The papers must be short: no more than 5,000 words (excluding references, tables and diagrams) please. Presentations will be limited to 15 minutes to allow enough time for discussion.

Offers of papers are welcome from PhD students and faculty. Financial assistance with travel costs may be available for those who need it (and only within train/cheap airline range, in western Europe). To propose a paper, please send a provisional title and a short abstract to Marissa Candotti, [mailto][/mailto] cc: Gareth Austin, [mailto][/mailto] by 15th March. A programme will follow, organised around whatever themes emerge most prominently from the offers of papers.

All are welcome to participate: we already know that this will include Africanists and comparativists from universities in various parts of Europe.