Friedensbewegung und Linkssozialistische Opposition

Werner, Michael: Die Ohne-Mich-Bewegung. Die bundesdeutsche Friedensbewegung im deutsch-deutschen Kalten Krieg (1949 - 1955). Münster: Monsenstein und Vannerdat 2006. ISBN 3-86582-325-4; 742 S.; EUR 29,50.

Rezensiert für den Arbeitskreis Historische Friedensforschung bei H-Soz-u-Kult von:

Holger Nehring, University of Sheffield, Department of History
E-Mail: [mailto][/mailto]

European Labour History

Ben Jackson. Equality and the British Left: A Study in Progressive Political Thought, 1900-64. Critical Labour Movement Studies Series. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. xi + 259 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. $74.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7190-7306-9.

Reviewed for H-Albion by Antoine Capet, Department of British Studies, University of Rouen, France

Barbara Wertheimer Prize in Labor History

The New York State Labor History Association is proud to announce that the 2008 Barbara Wertheimer Prize has been awarded to Genna Braverman for her essay Historical Struggles: The Evolution of Gender, Race, and Organizing at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Using oral interviews and the relevant secondary sources, Ms. Braverman has written a theoretically sophisticated essay that traces the as yet largely unfulfilled efforts (except for food service) to organize the hospital.

Labour History

From: Greg Patmore [mailto][/mailto]

Please find below the list of contents for the current issue of Labour History [...]. Of particular interest is a special thematic in the issue that relates to Trans-Tasman Labour History, which brings together a number of perspectives on Australian and New Zealand Labour History. If anyone is interested in obtaining a copy please contact Margaret Walters at [mailto][/mailto]