CfP: 2023 Tallinn Dissertation Prize in European Environmental History

The European Society for Environmental History welcomes submissions for the 2023 Tallinn Dissertation Prize in European Environmental History. The Dissertation Prize aims to support early career environmental history scholars based in Europe or those based outside Europe but whose work contributes to European environmental history.


CfA: 2023 Labour History Review

Postgraduates are encouraged to submit articles for consideration for the 2023 Labour History Review essay prize to the editors of LHR. This annual prize awards £500 for the best essay, which will be published in the LHR

The essay prize is open to anyone currently registered for a higher research degree, in Britain or abroad, or to anyone who completed such a degree no earlier than February 2020.

The deadline for entries is 31 March 2023.

CfA: Two doctoral scholarships for Internationals - Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

The Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS) is a joint institution of the Department of History and the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University (Germany). The BGHS is a learning community of doctoral researchers and within the DAAD-Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) invites applications for

Two doctoral scholarships for Internationals

with a maximum duration of 4 years,

starting 1 October 2023.

CfP: Gewalt am Arbeitsplatz im 20. Jahrhundert. Neue Perspektiven auf die Gewerkschaftsgeschichte

Ort: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn

Datum: 23./24. November 2023
Deadline für die Einreichung der Abstracts: 15. Januar 2023

Veranstaltet von: Arbeitskreis Gewerkschaftsgeschichte im Kooperationsprojekt „Jüngere und jüngste Gewerkschaftsgeschichte“ der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung und der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Organisationsteam: Mareen Heying (Düsseldorf), Nina Kleinöder (Bamberg), Sebastian Knoll-Jung (Neustadt/Weinstr.), Sebastian Voigt (München).