Celebrating 50 years of the Modern Records Centre

Information and announcements

Next event: Heritage Open Days

Modern Records Centre: Tuesday 12 September, 11.00-13.00 & Thursday 14 September, 13.00-15.00


Listen again! 'Commemorating British Labour History: Foundations and Future Plans'

If you missed our joint seminar with the South Wales Miners Library and the Marx Memorial Library on 6 July, you can now listen to the recording online!


The MRC at 50: Symposium

Wednesday 20 September, Faculty of Arts Building 10.00-17.00, followed by wine reception in the Modern Records Centre 17.00-19.00


The MRC in 50 Objects

Modern Records Centre exhibition space, mid-September to mid-December. Visit during our opening hours.



Email archives@warwick.ac.uk

