Madeleine Rébérioux

Université de Bergamo (Italie)
Seminaire à l'hommage de Madeleine Rébérioux (1920-2005):

Madeleine Rébérioux et l'histoire sociale entre la France et l'Italie

Bergame, aula 1, 19 via Salvecchio

vendredi, le 3 mars 2006

The History of the GULAG

Oleg V.Khlevniuk.The History of the GULAG: From Collectivization to the Great Terror.Foreword by Robert Conquest.Translated by Vadim A.Staklo.Annals of Communism Series.New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.xviii + 418 pp.Illustrations, maps, notes, bibliography, index.$39.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-3000-9284-9.

Reviewed by: Thomas Reimer, Center for Distance Learning, Empire State College.
Published by: H-Genocide (November, 2005)

Greek Anarcho-Syndicalist

New pamphlet: Kostantinos Speras: The Life and Activities of a Greek Anarcho-Syndicalist by Leonardos Kottis. Edited by Paul Pomonis, Translation by JamesSotros.

Konstantinos Speras (1893-1943) was a militant worker who fought the state and the bosses. His life of struggle included many strikes and jailings and was cut short by gunmen of the Greek Communist Party.

International Women's Day at the WCML

The Working Class Movement Library will be celebrating International Women's day with an event on Sunday 5th March, starting at 2pm.

Ruth Frow, co-founder of the library with her late husband Eddie, will speak about the Socialist origins of IWD followed by Michael Herbert, chair of WCML Trust, who will talk about Mary Quaile, a leading trade unionist of the 1920s who was the only woman on the General Council in 1926. The afternoon will be rounded off with songs from Bernie Murphy, an excellent singer from Manchester. The event is free. Light refreshments will be served.

Edward Thompson Memorial Bursary

Edward Thompson Memorial Bursary

Society for the Study of Labour History
Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick

Applications are invited for the Edward Thompson Memorial Bursary. The bursary has been established by the Society for the Study of Labour History in honour of one of its distinguished founders and past Presidents. It is tenable at the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, in the value of up to £250 per annum per annum, in order to support research in the MRC archives.

Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas

It is a great pleasure to announce that Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas has been chosen to receive the 2005 award for "Best New Journal" (including all startups over the past three years) from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. The award will be formally presented to a representative from our editorial board on December 27th at the MLA meetings in Washington D.C.

Leon Fink
Editor, Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas