Taft Labor History Award

I am pleased to announce the beginning of this year's competition for the Philip Taft Labor History Award. The competition is open to any book (or books) published in 2000 relating to the history of United States labor. The award carries a $1000 prize. I invite your nomination of any and every eligible book for consideration.

Nominations must be submitted no later than May 1, 2001.

'ILWCH' at the AHA

During the upcoming Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (Boston, 4-7 January 2001) International Labor and Working Class History will organize two sessions:

Friday, January 5, 2:30-4:30, Sheraton, Beacon Room H: Session 1

Recent Work in Labor History: a Roundtable

Workers in Canadian Cinema

Images of the Working Class in Canadian Cinema

Call for Papers

The Film Studies Association of Canada (FSAC) in co-sponsorship with the Society for Socialist Studies (SSS) announce a joint session on the topic of Images of the Working Class and Labour in Canadian Cinema. The session will be part of the upcoming Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, at the Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec, May 26-28, 2001.


The IISH has a unique and manifold collection of Yiddish material consisting of books, brochures, periodicals and pamphlets of the early Jewish socialist and anarchist movement in Eastern and Western Europe. In addition, the Institute has a large collection of Bundist (election) posters, photo's and prints, mainly from interbellum Poland. Next to this printed and visual material the IISH owns part of the Bund-archives viz. the incoming material from the Bund Foreign Committee in Geneva as well as material from the Central Office of the Bund in Geneva.

More on the Hoover Library

Concerned users of Hoover Library:

From the scores of email messages I received over the last few days, I gather there have been some extraordinarily misinformed messages about the future of the Hoover Library and Archives posted on various bulletin boards. Stanford has no plans to close Hoover Library or to reduce the funding for collections of either archival or non-archival materials.

The current situation: