Labour Migration in Russia

Jeffrey Burds. Peasant Dreams and Market Politics: LaborMigration and the Russian Village, 1861-1905. Pitt Series in Russian and East European Studies. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998. xiv + 314 pp. Tables, maps, notes, glossary, bibliography, and index. $ 50.00 (cloth), ISBN 0-8229-4049-4; $22.95 (paper), ISBN 0-8229-5655-1.

Banners Unfurled

A conference organized by the National Museum of Labour History, the Society for the Study of Labour History and Manchester University, Social History Curators Group
Monday 3rd April 2000, 10.30-5.00
Pump House: People's History Museum, Bridge Street, Manchester M3 3ER

UGT Archives Moved

The archive and library of the Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero, which holds the records of the Unión General de Trabajadores, among others, have moved. The new address is:

Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero
Archivo y Biblioteca
C/Antonio Grilo, 10
28015 MADRID
Telephone: ++34-915477990
Fax: ++34-915423140
Contact: Ester Ramos, Nuria Franco

Posted: 11 February 2000

Building Socialism

In the face of capitalist triumphalism, with its seemingly endless vistas of polarization, poverty, alienation, crisis and ecological catastrophe, the classical Marxist theory of socialismand communism remains the only credible alternative vision for human development. Yet the experience of the post-capitalist societies of the 20th century, inspired by Marxism, was clouded by the narrow technical, political and cultural foundations on which they were built.

Waterfront Workers

Calvin Winslow, ed. Waterfront Workers: New Perspectives on Race and Class. The Working Class in American History. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998. 204 pp. Notes and index. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-252-02392-7; $17.95 (paper), ISBN 0-252-06691-X.

Reviewed by [MAILTO] Peter Cole[/MAILTO], Department of History, Boise State University.
Published by H-Labor (October, 1999)


All-American Anarchist

Carlotta R. Anderson. All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement. Great Lakes Books. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998. 324 pp. Photographs, notes, bibliography, index. $34.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-8143-2707-9.


Reviewed by [MAILTO] Andrew H. Lee[/MAILTO], Tamiment Library, New York University.
Published by H-Labor (January, 2000)

Conference on 'Images of Labour'

There will be a conference on 'Images of Labour: films and the
working class in Britain, 1957-1997' on 14th and 15th March, 1997, at
the University of Manchester. The conference includes video
screenings of films, speakers (eg Huw Beynon, Sheila Rowbotham,
Trevor Griffiths), and speakers from trade unions at Ford Halewood
and Liverpool Docks.

Cost will be stlg15 (stlg5 for unwaged)

Further details can be obtained from

Mike Savage