The Labour History Serials Service, maintained 1997-2013, includes 3.980 issues from 128 labour history journals. You can search for articles and browse the contents of each journal.
The original Mission Statement:
Labour History Serials Service is a not-for-profit project in which several libraries in the field of labour history participate. The service adds the tables of contents from the serials to an online database that can be searched and browsed. As a further service, individual users can request photocopies of articles for research purposes from the library holding the serial. This service is an extension of the traditional on-site service in which patrons can make or order photocopies for individual use. Downloadable digital copies of articles are not offered in the Labour History Serials Service.
The price of the photocopies is determined by the library that receives the order. In most cases it will be that library´s normal price for photocopying plus postage, which covers the cost of making and sending the copies, but not maintenance of the database, nor does it include any amount above the basic service cost.
We believe that the Labour History Serials Service falls well within the concept of fair use, but copyright and fair use regulations vary from country to country. Each participating library is subject to the copyright regulations of its country and so is the photocopy service they may offer. For more information about ordering and receiving photocopies, prices, numbers of copies per request, etc., please contact the library holding the journal you are interested in.
Labour History Serials Service is hosted by the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
The members of IALHI have posted the tables of contents of the serials listed below, starting with January 1, 1997. For research purposes, photocopies of articles can be requested from the institute that holds the serial. Each of the participating institutes will also be responsible for these particular periodicals to complete the collections.
- 1999
- Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales
- Actuel Marx
- Anarchist Studies
- Annali / Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
- Annali/Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico
- Arbeiderhistorie
- Arbejderhistorie
- Arbetarhistoria
- Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
- Archiv und Wirtschaft
- Archivi e Imprese
- Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia
- Beiträge zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
- Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung
- Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis
- Bijdragen tot de Eigentijdse Geschiedenis
- Bollettino dell'Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia
- Brood & Rozen
- Bulletin de la Fondation André Renard
- Bulletin du CIRA (Centre international de recherches sur l'anarchisme)
- Bulletin of the International Institute for Social History Amsterdam
- Bulletin of the International Institute of Social History Amsterdam
- Business Archives
- Cahiers Charles Fourier
- Cahiers de la Fonderie, Les
- Cahiers d'histoire
- Cahiers d'Histoire du Mouvement Ouvrier
- Cahiers d'Histoire sociale, Les
- Cahiers Léon Trotsky
- Cahiers Marxistes, Les
- China Quarterly, The
- Communisme
- Comparativ
- Comparative Studies in Society and History
- Conflitti globali
- Contemporanea
- Demokratische Geschichte
- Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica
- Enterprise and Society
- Entreprises et histoire
- Feit & Fictie
- Genèses
- Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte
- Giano
- Histoire et Liberté
- Histoire Sociale - Social History
- Historia en informatica
- Historia social
- History of the Family, The
- Imprese e storia
- Indian Economic and Social History Review, The
- Industrial and Labor Relations Review
- Industrial and Labor Relations Review
- International Labor and Working-Class History
- International newsletter of communist studies
- International Newsletter of Historical Studies on Comintern, Communism and Stalinism, The
- International Review for Social History
- International Review of Social History
- Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
- Istoricheskij Arkhiv
- Italia contemporanea
- Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung
- Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte
- Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics
- Labor History
- Labour / Le Travail
- Labour History
- Labour History Review
- Left History
- L'homme et la société
- MEGA-Studien
- Mitteilungen Gesellschaft für Politik und Bildung Schleswig Holstein
- Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen
- Mouvement social, Le
- Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte
- North East History
- North West Labour History
- North West Labour History Journal
- Novaya i novejshaya istoriya
- Novecento
- Otechestvennaya istoriya
- Otechestvennye arkhivy
- Otechestvennye zapiski
- Parolechiave
- Pensée, La
- Perspektiven ds
- Politicheskie issledovaniya (POLIS)
- Politix
- Politiya
- Quaderni di storia
- Quaderni storici
- Radical History Review
- Res Publica
- Revolutionary History
- Revolutionary Russia
- Ricerche di storia politica
- Rivista storica dell'anarchismo
- Rossijskaya istoriya
- Rossiya i sovremennyj mir
- Russian Review
- Samenleving en Politiek
- Saothar
- Sextant
- Socialist History
- Sociologie du travail
- Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya: SOTSIS
- Sozial.Geschichte
- Spagna contemporanea
- Stato e mercato
- Storia della storiografia
- Storica
- Storiografia
- Studi Culturali
- Studi storici
- Svobodnaya mysl'-XXI
- Textielhistorische Bijdragen
- Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies
- Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis
- Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis
- Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies
- Transit
- Utopian Studies
- Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift
- Voprosy istorii
- Werkstattgeschichte
- Widerspruch
- Zapruder
- Zeitschrift für sozialistische Politik und Wirtschaft