2000 - 1 (April)

Articles in this issue

Artisans and Work in a Barcelona Cotton Factory (1770-1816)

Pages: 1 - 23

"Peculiarities" versus "Exceptions": The Shaping of the American Federation of Labor's Politics during the 1890s and 1900s

Pages: 25 - 50

"Performing Inter-Nationalism" in Stuttgart in 1907: French and German Socialist Nationalism and the Political Culture of an International Socialist Congress

Pages: 51 - 87


The Policeman as Worker: A Comparative Survey, c. 1800-1940

Pages: 89 - 110

Book review, by Jan Luiten van Zanden

Work Under Capitalism

Pages: 111 - 112

Book review, by Jane Humphries

A history of European women's work. 1700 to the present

Pages: 112 - 114

Book review, by Richard Price

Class in Britain

Pages: 114 - 116

Book review, by Jan Gielkens

J.H.W. Dietz 1843-1922. Verleger der Sozialdemokratie

Pages: 116 - 119

Book review, by Mark Pittaway

Revolution from Within. The Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party and the Collapse of Communism

Pages: 119 - 120

Book review, by Beatrix Bouvier

Der SED-Staat. Partei, Staat und Gesellschaft

Pages: 121 - 123

Book review, by David De Vries

The Founding Myths of Israel. Nationalism, Socialism and the Making of the Jewish State

Pages: 123 - 128

Book review, by Raymond Buve

The Chiapas Rebellion. The Struggle for Land and Democracy

Pages: 128 - 130


Pages: 131 - 161