2002 - supplement 10

Articles in this issue

De-Industrialization: Social and Cultural Aspects


Pages: 1 - 2

Introduction: De-Industrialization and Globalization

Pages: 3 - 33

From Workshop to Wasteland: Deindustrialisation and Fragmentation of the Black Working Class on the East Rand (South Africa), 1990-1999

Pages: 35 - 63

Whose Left? Working-Class Political Allegiances in Post-Industrial Britain

Pages: 65 - 85

Betterment Without Airs: Social, Cultural, and Political Consequences of the Deindustrialization in the Ruhr

Pages: 87 - 111

The International Association of Machinists, Pratt & Whitney and the Struggle for a Blue-Collar Future in Connecticut

Pages: 113 - 136

"Our Chronic and Desperate Situation": Anthracite Communities and the Emergence of Redevelopment Policy in Pennsylvania and the United States, 1945-1965

Pages: 137 - 158

On "De-industrialization" and the Crisis of Male Identities

Pages: 159 - 175