printed matter

The People’s Charter, 1838

Many British working people were disappointed when the 1832 Reform Act failed to give them the vote. This disappointment turned to anger when the reformed House of Commons passed the Poor Law of 1834. In June 1836 William Lovett, Henry Hetherington, John Cleave and James Watson formed the London Working Men's Association. At a meeting in 1838 the leaders of the Association drew up a Charter of political demands which gave the group the name ‘Chartists’.

Labour Woman

The Women’s Labour League (1906-1918) first produced a monthly newsletter for its supporters in 1906. The League was formed as an institution organized exclusively for and by women, and affiliated to the British Labour Party. It was committed to the cause of Labour representation in parliament. In 1918, after the vote was given to propertied women over the age of 30, the League was dissolved and its members formed the Women’s Section of the Labour Party.

IWMA card for Adhémar Schwitzguébel

Der Basler Kongress der Ersten Internationale vom September 1869 beschloss die Aufbauphase der IAA und leitete eine Etappe ein, die durch Spaltungen und Machtkämpfe, insbesondere zwischen Marx und Bakunin, gekennzeichnet war. Adhémar Schwitzguébel, 1844-1895, gehört zu den wichtigsten Exponenten der schweizerischen Arbeiterbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit grossem Erfolg betrieb er die gewerkschaftliche Organisation der jurassischen Uhrenarbeiter. Unter seiner Führung entwickelte sich die Fédération jurassienne zu einem Zentrum des internationalen Anarchismus.