ABC-CLIO, Labor History

Call for Authors

Call for Authors: ABC-CLIO, Labor History

ABC-CLIO,the leading publisher of academic reference works, is developing a comprehensive 21-volume Encyclopedia of World History. We are seeking interested scholars to prepare 500-1500 word articles on the impact of economics and trade on world history.

Compensation: contributors will have their names associated with the entries they contribute and will receive access to the e-book version of the encyclopedia for personal use. Contributors assigned 3,000 words or more will also receive a credit of $300 towards purchase of ABC-CLIO, Greenwood Press and Praeger books. In order to meet review standards, we require that contributors hold a Ph.D, ABD, be currently enrolled in a doctoral program, or have recognized expertise in the field.

If you are interested in writing 1 or more of the entries listed below, please send a c.v. to:

Fred Nadis, Project Editor: [mailto][/mailto]

Jeanie Azizian, Project Coordinator: [mailto][/mailto]

Era Article Title words

Era 3 (1000BCE - 300 CE) Specialized labor in the Roman city 600
Era 3 (1000BCE - 300 CE) Work patterns in India 600
Era 4 (300 - 1000) Early Medieval Slavery (world) 1000
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) Conditions of Labor in England's Early Industrialization 1000
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) Labor in Industrial Societies: Factory Legislation 600
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) The End of Serfdom: Prussia, Austria-Hungary, & Poland 600
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) Prussian Junkers 300
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) Indian Slavery in the Colonial Era 600
Era 7 (1750 - 1914) The Decline in the West African Slave Trade 1000
Era 9 (1945 to present) Age of Outsourcing 750
Era 9 (1945 to present) New Management Theories 750
Era 9 (1945 to present) white collar crime 200

For a list of all open topics please see the website.