The Amandla! Collective (Johannesburg) and the Department of Sociology at Wits University invite you to the next Amandla! Forum
Johannesburg book launch
Black Flame: The revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism Lucien van der Walt & Michael Schmidt
Black Flame examines the anti-authoritarian class politics of the anarchist/syndicalist movement, and its 150 years of popular struggle on five continents.
An indispensible conceptual and historical roadmap, with close attention to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America, looking at its:
- Opposition to hierarchy, capitalism and the state
- Strategy: building revolutionary counter-power
- History: labour, community, anti-imperialism
- Agenda: participatory, cooperative economics
- Revolutions: Mexico, Spain, Ukraine, Korea
- Revival: today's struggles
Wednesday 7 October 2009 at 6PMSenate House Basement 2, East Campus, Wits All Welcome! Safe Parking at Wits, Yale entrance Jorrisen St.
Michael Schmidt is a Johannesburg-based investigative journalist/journalism trainer and activist, with experience in Chiapas, civil war Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Rwanda, Darfur, and Lebanon.
Lucien van der Walt teaches at Wits. Winner of the 2008 international 'Labor History' dissertation prize, his extensive publications include the co-edited Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1880-1940 (Brill 2010).
More info:
Book excerpt and information sheet (pdf) from AK Press.