CfP: 2020 Marx & Philosophy Society Annual Conference

Papers are invited from graduate students and early career researchers for the 2020 annual conference of the Marx & Philosophy Society. The conference will be held on 6th June 2020 at the UCL Institute of Education in London. 

Papers by the keynote speakers at this year's conference will be devoted to the theme 'Engels Reconsidered', to mark the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Engels's birth. 

CfA: Ida Blom - Karen Offen Prize in Transnational Women's and Gender History

The International Federation for Research in Women's History has issued a call for applications for the Ida Blom–Karen Offen Prize in Transnational Women's and Gender History. 

The deadline has been extended to 31 January 2020.

To apply for the prize submit a short bio and an abstract that briefly summarizes the book and explains its contribution to the field of transnational women's and gender history by 31 January 2020.

Semi-finalists will then be asked to send complete books (preferably digitally) by 1 March 2020.

CfA: Research Fellowships at the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, 2020-2021

CAS Sofia ( is pleased to announce its calls for fellowship applications for 2020-2021. All opportunities for scholars from the social sciences and the humanities can be viewed on our web-page.

Please, feel free to spread the news and apply! Your assistance in disseminating these opportunities will be much appreciated!

Deadline for all calls: March 31, 2020

CfP: International Graduate Summer School in Gender History


The University of Naples Federico II and the University of Naples L’Orientale, together with the Université de Rouen Normandie, the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, the Università di Roma Tre and the Universität Wien launches an International Graduate Summer School in Gender History on the theme Freedom(s), to be held in Naples, from June 23 to June 25, 2020.

6es Rencontres d’histoire ouvrière de Saint-Étienne : « Cent ans de communisme en France et dans la Loire »

Sixièmes Rencontres d’histoire ouvrière de Saint-Étienne

Cent ans de communisme en France et dans la Loire. Du projet révolutionnaire à l’expérience démocratique

Jeudi 23 janvier 2020

Événement organisé par le GREMMOS, en partenariat avec le CEDMO 42, l’association Jaurès dans la Loire et Radio Dio, avec le soutien de la Ville de Saint-Étienne

Salle de conférences des Archives départementales de la Loire
Entrée libre

CfA: Prix de thèse et master. Comité d'histoire de la Sécurité sociale

 Vous trouverez ci-jointe une information concernant le prix de thèse et le prix de master décernés chaque année par le Comité d’histoire de la Sécurité sociale, prix qui portent sur des travaux universitaires concernant l’histoire de la protection sociale envisagée dans une acception large, en France et à l’étranger.

Merci d’en informer vos étudiant.e.s susceptibles d’être intéressé.e.s : date limite le 30 avril 2020.


Childhood in Dickensian London

A new exhibition Childhood in Dickensian London opens 20 January 2020, to mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens's death, celebrate his life, and work as one of the world’s most-loved writers on childhood. The exhibition explores Victorian London from the 1830s until the turn of the twentieth century, focusing on Dickens’s child characters and exploring the role of Dickens writing in helping to create a better childhood for us all. It is free and open to the public until 20 June 2020 at Senate House Library, University of London.