Vrije Universiteit Summer School: Amsterdam in Global Capitalism: 1500-present

The Vrije Universiteit Summer School "Amsterdam in Global Capitalism: 1500-present" is back on the curriculum. From 18 July to 1 August, we welcome students from all over the world to come and spend two weeks in Amsterdam studying with an excellent group of teachers. Our special guest this year is Richard Drayton, professor of Imperial History at King's College and a leading expert on capitalism's historical intersections with slavery, colonialism and ecological degradation.


CfP: Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro / Citoyenneté et condition d’étranger au prisme du travail

[See bilingual call for papers in attachment]

La SISLav e l'AFHMT hanno deciso di lanciare nel 2019 un programma di incontri comuni su due anni con l’obiettivo di incoraggiare un dialogo storiografico e di stimolare la collaborazione tra gli aderenti delle due associazioni. Il primo incontro si è svolto il 5 e il 6 luglio 2019 a Roma sul tema “Lavoro a domicilio: dai chamberlans al telelavoro”.

Il secondo incontro si terrà a Parigi il 3 e 4 luglio 2020 sul tema "Cittadinanza e condizione dello straniero attraverso il prisma del lavoro".

CfP: Decolonial Methods, Peripheral selves: The Figure of the Migrant between South(east) European and Global South Entanglements


10-11 July 2020

Supported by: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Arbeitsgruppe Europe’s East, Research Network in Queer Studies, Decolonial Feminisms and Cultural Transformation (QDFCT) and ‘Dialoguing Between the Posts’ international research network

CfP: Redes transnacionales e intercambios culturales e intelectuales en torno a la Revolución cubana (1959-1971)

La Revolución cubana se conformó, desde sus inicios, como un fenómeno de resonancias internacionales. Intelectuales de todo el mundo interpretaron y se interesaron por un proceso original dentro de las lógicas geopolíticas de la Guerra Fría. Desde 1959, intelectuales europeos, africanos, asiáticos y americanos viajaron a Cuba, establecieron conexiones con sus pares de la isla, participaron en los debates culturales y políticos del momento y cooperaron en la configuración de una comunidad a escala transnacional.


CfP: Music and the Spanish Civil War

This two-day conference aims to create a framework for a broader understanding of the ways in which Spanish and non-Spanish musicians (including composers, performers, conductors, musicologists, critics, and others) relate to this key historical and ideological conflict of the 20th century. These relationships are not limited to the wartime period but also include the subsequent decades, in which a large number of musicians from Spain and abroad reflected on the confrontation and its consequences in their work.


8 – 10 October 2020 Humboldt University, Berlin