CfP: Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies. Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics

ESA’s Research Network 35 “Sociology of Migration” will hold its next midterm conference at the Technical University Berlin, 10-11 September 2020. Mirroring recent trends and debates in the field of migration studies, the conference will focus on the topic of reflexivity in migration research.
The conference is organized in close cooperation with the newly founded IMISCOE Standing Committee on “Reflexive Migration Research” as well as with local organizers from TU Berlin, Cottbus University and the University of Neuchâtel.

CfP: The Moral Economies of Knowledge Production on Migration: Conflicts, Values, Positionalities

In current research about migration, there is a growing interest in the ways in which knowledge shapes migration and the experiences and apparatuses connected to it. Researchers, thus, draw attention to the categories, technologies, and data that inform border and migration policies (and vice versa). They point to the ways in which different mobilities come to be categorized, ordered and made legible to the state. They explore how the production of mobile subjects such as “the expat” or “the illegal migrant” is interconnected with specific imaginations of nations, societies or empires.

Marx Memorial Library Flood Appeal

Marx Memorial Library Flood Appeal
- £37,500 raised, £12,500 to go! Can you help?

On 24 September 2019 the Marx Memorial Library suffered a devastating flood. Problems with our flat roof and drainage system meant water gushed through our storerooms. Thanks to a collective effort – MML staff, volunteers, trustees, the fire brigade and Islington Heritage – we avoided major damage to our collections.

However, this event has given impetus to an urgent programme of works to

CfP: Challenging Social History: Navigating difficulties and caring for contested collections

National Civil War Centre, Newark-on-Trent and

National Justice Museum, Nottingham

Thursday 25th June and Friday 26th June 2020



Call for contributions


SHCG would like to receive proposals of activities, round table discussions, presentations, and workshops on the theme of challenging social history in museums and how to navigate, curate and interpret difficulties in social history collections.


Guidance on Topics for Discussion

CfP: Gender Pay Gap – vom Wert und Unwert von Arbeit

Veranstaltungsort: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Bonn
Veranstalter: Rainer Fattmann (Bonn), Michaela Kuhnhenne (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf), Stefan Müller (Archiv der sozialen Demokratie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn), Mandy Stalder-Thon (Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Bochum), Wiebke Wiede (Universität Trier), Johanna Wolf (Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main)