CfA: Lecturer in Modern History, University of York


The Department of History seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Modern History, with research and teaching interests in 19th and 20th century European (non-UK) History. We welcome applications involving interdisciplinary approaches and novel methodologies, with a preference for applicants working on one or more of the following: gender history; environmental history; the histories of European Empires in Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean; transnational histories.

Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… Genève 1931-2019

Nous, saisonniers, saisonnières… Genève 1931-2019
      Noi, lavoratori e lavoratrici stagionali… Ginevra 1931-2019
            Nosotros, temporeros, temporeras… Ginebra 1931-2019
                  Nós, trabalhadores temporários e temporárias… Genebra 1931-2019
                        Ne, punëtoret dhe punëtorët sezonalë… Gjenevë 1931-2019
                               Mi, sezonski radnici, sezonske radnice… Ženeva 1931-2019



29 octobre 2019 à 18h00

Le Commun, rue des Bains 28, 1205 Genève


Jewish, French or Transnational? East European Jews in the Résistance

Am Donnertag, den 14. November 2019 lädt das Leibniz-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow (DI) gemeinsam mit der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung zur 20. Simon-Dubnow-Vorlesung in den Saal der Alten Handelsbörse in Leipzig ein. Frau Prof. Dr. Renée Poznanski spricht um 18:00 Uhr unter dem Titel »Jewish, French or Transnational?« über osteuropäische Juden in der Résistance.

Arab Critical Theories and Horizons of Emancipation

Arab Critical Theories and Horizons of Emancipation

Deadline for Abstracts: October 15, 2019

The Critiques of Power working group at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) is pleased to invite you to submit papers for a closed workshop on December 14-15.

The Critiques of power working group (CoP) is an ACSS working group that was formed in 2017, bringing together scholars from diverse fields, including anthropology, social and intellectual history, gender and sexuality studies, political science, and comparative literature.

La Revolución Boliviana y la prensa de Buenos Aires (1952-1964)

El próximo viernes 18 de octubre, el CEHTI y Revista Archivos presentan el libro "La Revolución Boliviana y la prensa de Buenos Aires (1952-1964), Juan L. Hernández (coord.). Este libro, producto de la investigación de cuatro años de integrantes del Taller de Problemas de América Latina, aborda la recepción de la Revolución de 1952 a partir de materiales periodisticos y gráficos.

Contamos con la presencia del coordinador del libro Juan Luis Hernández (UBA) y la investigadora Ivanna Margarucci (UBA - CEDINCI/UNSAM - CONICET)