1970-1990, désindustrialisation à Montreuil Histoire et mémoires

L’association Promnésie en partenariat avec les Archives départementales de Seine-Saint-Denis, l’Association Histoire et mémoires ouvrières en Seine-Saint-Denis et le musée de l’Histoire vivante organisent à Montreuil dans la salle des fêtes - Mairie de Montreuil
Le samedi 12 octobre 2019
de 9h30 à 17h30

une journée de réflexion consacrée à
« 1970-1990, désindustrialisation à Montreuil Histoire et mémoires »

Repas sur place - tarif : 12€

Inscription : promnesie@laposte.net ou Sabine Pesier 06 70 11 91 62

Continuing the Struggle:The International Labor Organization (ILO) Centenary and the Future of Global Worker Rights

We invite you to join us for a conference to mark the one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the International Labor Organization (ILO).  We will gather at Georgetown University in Washington, DC on November 21 and 22 for the “Continuing the Struggle: The International Labor Organization (ILO) Centenary and the Future of Global Worker Rights” conference. This gathering will be both retrospective and prospective, and will involve academics and practitioners, including policymakers, union leaders, and leaders of worker rights organizations.

CfA: 1-2 PhD students in Economic History, University of Gothenburg

With around 3 700 full-time equivalent students, 470 employees and 160 international partner universities, the main subjects of economics and law, and its four departments, the School of Business, Economics and Law offers a unique range. The School also provides unique collaborations with industry and the public sector. The School of Business, Economics and Law is EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA accredited, making it the only business school in Sweden with Triple Crown accreditation.