ToC July 2019 Kate Sharpley Library Bulletin

KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 99, July 2019 has just been posted. The PDF is up at:


The First of May. "This coming May 1st, the Toilers of the entire world will take to the streets: to do what? Why will they do so? To demand what? A palliative that is not going to be able to bring about any improvement in our lot."

Los orígenes del Instituto Internacional de Historia Social y su relación con el Movimiento Libertario Español

Aprovechando la estancia en España de Henk Wals, el director del IISH impartirá en nuestra sede de la calle Peñuelas 41, la conferencia 'Los orígenes del Instituto Internacional de Historia Social y su relación con el Movimiento Libertario Español" (19:00 h.).

Por la tierra y el trabajo. La conflictividad campesina en la provincia de Badajoz durante la II República (1931-1936)

El Grupo de Estudios sobre la Historia Contemporánea de Extremadura (GEHCEx) invita a la presentación del libro de Hortensia MÉNDEZ MELLADO: Por la tierra y el trabajo. La conflictividad campesina en la provincia de Badajoz durante la  II República (1931-1936), Cáceres, 20 de septiembre de 2019. 

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Social History Book Prize

We are seeking nominations for the Social History Society’s annual book prize. Our £1,000-prize rewards scholarship in Social History and is awarded annually by a panel of judges for the best original work published in the preceding calendar year. We are delighted to announce that this year’s panel is chaired by Professor Pat Thane and includes Professors Penny Summerfield, Phillipp Schofield, and Sasha Handley.

To be eligible for consideration for the prize, the book must:

CfA: David Montgomery Award

The David Montgomery Award is given annually by the OAH with co-sponsorship by the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) for the best book on a topic in American labor and working-class history. Eligible works shall be written in English and deal with United States history in significant ways but may include comparative or transnational studies that fall within these guidelines. The award is given in recognition of David Montgomery’s crucial role in pioneering new approaches to the study of working people and their history.