CfP: The Springs of theatre: Art in time of revolutions in the Middle East

The Springs of theatre: Art in time of revolutions
Revolts, revolutions and performance in the Middle East in the 21th century

The first two international days of studies of this cycle of research focused on the political, social and cultural changes in the countries of the Middle East and their consequences on the theatrical scene (November 2018) and on the issues of censorship (May 2019).

CfP: Plantations and their Afterlives: Materialities, Durabilities, Struggles

«Plantations and their Afterlives: Materialities, Durabilities, Struggles» Symposium

1-3 April 2020, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon


Convenors: Marta Macedo, Irene Peano, Colette Le Petitcorps

Organizer: The Colour of Labour: The Racialised Lives of Migrants ERC AdG 2015 - 695573, PI Cristiana Bastos

Keynote address: Deborah A. Thomas, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

CfA: Les paysanneries et les ruralités d’aujourd’hui

Il y a 20 ans, la revue Insaniyat publiait un numéro entièrement dédié à la question de la paysannerie algérienne (Paysans algériens ? N°7 de janvier-avril 1999, vol. III, 1). L’ambition de ce numéro spécial paru en 1999 visait à présenter quelques travaux et productions scientifiques portant à la fois sur les trajectoires historiques de la paysannerie, et plus largement celles du monde rural, ainsi que les changements affectant les campagnes algériennes au cours des années 1990.

CfP: Labour, Class and Gender in the Struggle for Independence

Call for papers ‘Labour, Class and Gender in the Struggle for Independence’ being co-organised by Irish Centre for the Histories of Labour and Class (an interdisciplinary group in NUI Galway focusing on labour and class history with special emphasis on Ireland), and Padraig Yeates.

Funded by the Dept of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and NUIG.

It will include a History Ireland Hedge School.

Proposals must be submitted by 29th August.

CfP: Social Movements and Civil Society in Central Eastern Europe. Historical Legacies and Current Trends

Organizers: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN); the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR); the Expert Commission for Economic and Social Studies of the Herder Research Council; the Institute for Social Movement Studies (ipb); the Chair for Central and Eastern European Studies (TU Chemnitz)
12.10.2019 - 13.10.2019

CfP: Men & Masculinities under Socialism. A Social and Cultural History

For several decades now, scholars have taken an interest in analyzing the socialist attempt to transform traditional gender arrangements and revolutionize the family. In contrasting the ideal of women’s emancipation with everyday experience under socialism, studies have demonstrated the limits of the socialist “solution” to “the woman question.” However, recent debates about the very notion, meaning, and existence of feminism(s) under socialist rule show the ongoing relevance of the topic.