CfP: The British Labour Movement and Internationalism (special issue of Socialist History)

In this era of Brexit, the British Labour Party and the wider labour movement face the twin challenges of globalised capitalism on the one hand, and an upsurge in backward-looking nationalism on the other. Siren voices call on Labour to embrace one side or the other. In this context it seems more necessary than ever to re-examine the internationalist tradition within British labour and democratic movements over the preceding two centuries.

CfP: Making it Real. Historical Authenticity in Museums and Collections in the UK, Germany, and Europe

Location: Cambridge
Whipple Museum of the History of Science
Liba Taub (Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge); Ulf Hashagen (Deutsches Museum, Munich & LMU, Munich); Achim Saupe (Leibniz-Research Alliance Historical Authenticity – Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam)

II Congreso internacional de investigadorxs sobre anarquismo

Los días 11, 12 y 13 de julio tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación el II Congreso Internacional de Investigadorxs sobre Anarquismo(s),
coorganizado por una comisión formada por docentes, estudiantes y egresadxs de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay), así como por investigadorxs independientes y
activistas y por el Cedinici (Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierda en Argentina, Universidad Nacional San Martín - Argentina).

Child refugees from the Spanish Civil War: a scrapbook tells a story

The aerial bombardment of Spanish towns by German and Italian planes during the Spanish Civil War prompted the co-ordination of an unprecedented mass-evacuation of refugee children. 4,000 arrived in Britain in 1937. Deprived of support from the British government, the children were cared for in ‘colonies’ across the UK supported entirely by volunteers in the local community. 

Inventario dei materiali che hanno attinenza con la donna e le questioni di genere nei fondi archivistici della Fondazione Pellegrini Canevascini

Riteniamo utile, in concomitanza con il secondo sciopero generale nazionale delle donne del 14 giugno 2019, raccogliere tutte le informazioni che possono guidare i/le interessati/e a muoversi fra i diversi fondi della FPC che contengono materiale sul tema.

La collocazione segnala il numero della scatola del fondo, quello della cartella al suo interno; eventualmente anche quello della camicia e, in casi eccezionali, il numero progressivo del documento nella camicia.

(See attachment)

CfP: North and South. Forms of Inequality within International Politics of Scientific Production

The debate around the North-South divide accumulates a significant amount of literature since the late 1960s. South is a concept addressing spatial representations of inequality, relevant for analyzing issues affecting peripheral societies, but not having much to say on issues relevant to societies labeled as ‘Northern’.