Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

Nieuwsbrief Amsab-ISG

10e jaargang, nr. 10, november 2015

Fototentoonstelling Wolf Suschitzky

In het kader van het Festival van de Gelijkheid brengt Curieus een unieke tentoonstelling met foto’s van Wolf Suschitzky in de sfeervolle museumkelder van Amsab-ISG.

Fietsersbond blaast 20 kaarsjes uit!

Op zaterdag 28 november viert de fietsersbeweging feest ter gelegenheid van het twintigjarige bestaan van de Fietsersbond. Er is een debat, een paar lezingen, een receptie en natuurlijk een knallend avondfeest in de Oude Graanmarkt in Brussel.

Anna Kuliscioff. Il socialismo e la cittadinanza della donna

E’ stato pubblicato il volume Anna Kuliscioff. Il socialismo e la cittadinanza della donna, che sarà presentato, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Argentina Altobelli, il giorno 2 dicembre 2015, alle ore 9,30, a Roma, presso il Senato della Repubblica (Sala Capitolare presso il Chiostro del Convento di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva 38).

cliccare qui per il Programma della presentazione


Solidarity and the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike Exhibition

Open until 26 November: 


In March 1984 over 150,000 British coal miners went on strike to protest against plans for widespread closures in the industry. The strike, ultimately unsuccessful, lasted a year and was one of the most significant industrial disputes in British history. Alongside the industrial struggle emerged a large and diverse social movement to help sustain the miners and their communities.

CfP: Alternatives to capitalism

Call for panels and papers for a section in the European International Studies Association conference, Izmir, Turkey, 7-10 September 2016.

The section seeks panels and papers on alternatives to capitalism, and how we might achieve them, both within the capitalist present and on the route to a post-capitalist society.

The deadline for proposals is 8 January 2016 and must be done online through the EISA conference tool website -

CfP: Reform and Revolution in Europe, 1917-19: Entangled and Transnational Histories

This international conference in historical sciences analyses the political, cultural, intellectual and societal influences of the First World War in Europe, focusing especially on the emergence of new nation states. The Finnish process of declaring independence in 1917 is related to the international developments of the time, paying particular attention to transnational interaction.

Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero. Ámbitos - Boletín Digital de Actividades

Boletín digital de actividades, número 95 - octubre 2015

Cursos y Seminarios

Jornada de debate Empleo, discapacidad y negociación colectiva: diagnóstico y propuestas para la mejora del empleo de las personas con discapacidad

Curso de extensión El derecho a la memoria: archivos y sociedad

Actividades Culturales

Exposición Tesoros de bibliotecas=Thesauri Bibliothecarum. Día de la Biblioteca, 24 de octubre de 2015.

Campaña #vivalabiblio en Twitter

CFP ITH 2016: “Commodity Chains and Labour Relations”

Dear colleagues,

we hereby circulate the Call for Papers for the 52nd ITH Conference (15-17 September 2016, Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr/Upper Austria).

We are looking forward to an active involvement in the preparation of the conference on “Commodity Chains and Labour Relations”, many interesting proposals and the conference itself. Furthermore, we would ask to spread the Call for Papers as widely as possible.

Kinds regards,
Susan Zimmermann (President)
Lukas Neissl (General Secretary)

Grant for Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe

Thanks to a generous grant from the German Academy of Sciences (Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften), the historical-critical edition of the complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels will be safeguarded for the future.

The Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) is a joint project of the IISH, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and the Russian RGASPI. In 1990 these institutions established the Internationale Marx-Engels Stiftung (IMES).