CfP: Drecksarbeit. Materialitäten, Semantiken und Praktiken von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart

Call for Abstracts für die 3. Konferenz der GLHA


Drecksarbeit. Materialitäten, Semantiken und Praktiken von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart


Veranstaltungsort: Dortmund, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte

Datum der Konferenz: 13.–15. November 2024

Deadline für die Einreichung von Abstracts: 23. Oktober 2023

CfP: Beyond Non-Violence: Violent Self-Defense and the Struggle Against White Supremacy

Violence has been a pervasive feature of white supremacy throughout the history of racial politics in the United States. State repression, armed racist groups, and lynch mobs are just a few examples of the violent tactics employed by white supremacists. However, oppressed groups have never passively submitted to these offenses, often resorting to violent self-defense and mass mobilization, from slave uprisings to armed responses in the face of lynchings and pogroms.

CfP: Primeras Jornadas de Tesistas en Historia social del trabajo, trabajadores/as y movimiento obrero y sindical en los siglos XX y XXI


● Programa “Estudios del trabajo, movimiento sindical y organización industrial” del Área de Economía y Tecnología de FLACSO Argentina

● Grupo de Historia Social y Género-Sección experiencia, trabajo y protesta del Instituto de Investigaciones de Estudios de Género de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (IIEGE-UBA)

Fecha: jueves 6 y viernes 7 de julio de 2023, de 10 a 18 hs. con modalidad híbrida.

Sede: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO Argentina). Tucumán 1966, CABA.

CfP: Strikes in the twenty-first century: Revisiting old theories, exploring new research avenues

Call for contributions for a book

Strikes in the twenty-first century: Revisiting old theories, exploring new research avenues

Edited by Agnes Akkerman (University of Amsterdam, AIAS), Bernd Brandl (Durham University), Alex Lehr (Radboud University) and Kurt Vandaele (ETUI, Brussels)


(See PDF attached)

Le iniziative della Fondazione Nocentini


Giovedì 11 maggio, alle ore 18 presso il Polo del '900 (Corso Valdocco 4/A, Sala Conferenze) la Fondazione Nocentini partecipa all’organizzazione della presentazione del libro Traditori. Come fango e depistaggio hanno segnato la storia italiana (2023, Solferino Libri) di Paolo Borrometi, a cura di Fondazione Polo del ‘900, in collaborazione con l’Ordine dei Giornalisti del Piemonte.