Jornadas Internacionales Museo, Trauma y Transmisión de la Memoria

Proyecto Territorios de la Memoria- Otras culturas, otros espacios en Iberoamérica, Siglos XX y XXI (Referencia: PID2020-113492RB-I00) /

Máster universitario La España contemporánea en el contexto internacional (UNED)


El encuentro será abierto y gratuito y tendrá una modalidad híbrida, con dinámica presencial en el Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED (calle Obispo Trejo nº 2, Madrid, España), con posibilidad de conexión virtual previa inscripción.

YMHC Issue 11: Working-Class Ecopolitics in French Northern Mining District (Late 19th-Early 20th Century) - by B. Cabot

The Young Mining Historians Corner is a blog post series edited by the Labour In Mining WG dedicated to early career researchers in mining history broadly constructed.

The Issue 11 has been just published:

Working-Class Ecopolitics in French Northern Mining District (Late 19th-Early 20th Century)   – by Bastien Cabot (Associate Researcher at CESPRA / EHESS))

3ra Conferencia de la Red Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Organización Internacional del Trabajo

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, sede Argentina
Tucumán 1966, CABA,
Martes 28 de marzo de 2023 de 9 a 17.30 hs.

El encuentro será abierto y gratuito y tendrá una modalidad híbrida, con dinámica presencial en el aula 3 de FLACSO y posibilidad de conexión virtual inscribiéndose en:



9 a 9.15 hs.: Bienvenida y apertura

9.15 a 12.30 hs.

CfP: The gig economy and platform workers in the Middle East and North Africa


The University of Liverpool, 1-2 June 2023



This interdisciplinary workshop investigates how the gig economy has transformed labour relations in the Middle East and North Africa. It focuses on the challenges and opportunities that digital platforms offer to labour markets in the region while precarity and informality jeopardise workers. 


CfP: A Historical Casebook of Wage Formation: Wage determination and wage bargains of the pre industrial world

CfP for an edited collection

Luca Mocarelli (University of Milan – Bicocca)
Giulio Ongaro (University of Milan – Bicocca)
Judy Stephenson (UCL)

We welcome paper proposals for above edited collection to be (provisionally) published by Palgrave in late 2024.


CfP: Precarious Constitutionalism: The Ambiguities of Liberal Orders and the Rise of Illiberalism in Central Europe and Latin America

Latin America and Central Europe are regions that share the experience of dictatorships, authoritarianism, strong modernizing states, rebellious civil societies and transitions to and from democracy. Both regions were also part of the so-called third wave of democratization, which represented a time of hope for democracy and constitutionalism as a means of overcoming dictatorship and difficult history.


Mission Statement